Frequently Asked Questions about Chemical Peels

woman smiling, Chemical Peels

Do you sometimes wish you could remove your top layer of skin, full of sun damage and imperfections, to reveal the fresh and rejuvenating layer below? This is exactly how chemical peels work as a corrective procedure to refresh and revitalise the face. Your skin is faced with pollution, harsh weather, UV rays and stress on a daily basis, yet a chemical peel allows you to remove years of damage.

Because the concept of a chemical peel is still fairly new, many patients understandably have a lot of questions about the procedure. From worrying about the chemicals applied to the skin, to the after- effects of the treatment, we’re here to ease your concerns and answer any questions you may have about the cosmetic procedure. We’ve listed below some of the most common questions we get asked about chemical peels, but if you have any further questions please get in touch.

What does a chemical peel do?

Chemical peeling agents are specially formulated to resurface the skin. The procedure removes the superficial layer of the skin and promotes the growth of new skin free of blemishes, impurities and wrinkles.

Why are there different types to choose from?

There are different types of chemical peel brands which offer varying levels of penetration. The products contain acid which is applied to the skin for a limited time to promote the removal of the top layer. A superficial peel is the most gentle procedure, and an intermediate peel penetrates deeper layers of the skin to target deep creases and pigmentation imperfections. Discuss your needs with your cosmetic doctor and they will be able to recommend the most suitable chemical peel for your skin.

Is the acid painful when applied?

During the short treatment you may notice mild discomfort, such as a tingling or burning sensation. This is normal as the product moves through the layers of the skin. Your doctor will monitor the entire procedure so if you are concerned you can describe your pain symptoms and a professional can check everything is OK.

What will my face look like afterwards?

Immediately after your chemical peel the skin may look red and feel tight. Recovery time is around one to two days and depends on the strength of the peel chosen. For superficial peels expect flaking and mild redness for 2-3 days. For stronger intermediate peels, you may experience redness, flaking and peeling for 7-10 days.

Is it suitable for all skin types?

Yes a chemical peel can be booked if you have dry, oily, sensitive or combination skin. Your doctor will choose the most appropriate peel for best results. However if you have severe inflammation then a chemical peel is not advised. It is also not suitable for women who are pregnant or breast feeding.

Harley Street MD offer chemical peels in London, talk to us today to find out how we can improve your skin!

Founder at Harley St M.D.
Dr. Chia Tan is a UK trained medical doctor that specialises in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine and testosterone replacement therapy. He is qualified as a medical doctor since 2003 and has since trained extensively. He has been featured in several leading magazines as well as invited to appear on TV to discuss aesthetic medicine and the latest cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Chia Tan
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