Hand Rejuvenation Treatment

Revive the youthfulness of your hands with our Hand Rejuvenation Treatment. Combat signs of ageing and sun damage for smoother, younger-looking skin. Experience the joy of renewed confidence in your hands.

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If you are feeling self-conscious about wrinkles on your hands, we have the perfect treatment to help turn back the clock. Hand rejuvenation is a popular treatment for people with ageing hands or prominent veins, making your hands look smooth, radiant and youthful in under an hour.

Frequently, cosmetic medicine focuses on facial treatments, yet one of the most neglected areas of the body is the hands. People can usually tell a person’s age just by looking at their hands, and in some cases, wrinkles or prominent veins may appear prematurely and make you appear older than you are.

Because the skin on the back of the hands is extremely thin and constantly exposed to the elements, loss of natural fat padding over time will reveal wrinkles and skin laxity while dark spots form due to sun damage. Worst of all, the underlying structures such as tendons and veins begin to show, giving your hands a skeletal appearance that may make you lose self-confidence.

Hand creams might make your hands feel softer, but they are unlikely to improve their appearance significantly. Our hand rejuvenation treatment or “hand lift” is the only way to reverse the ageing process on the hands, with safe dermal fillers helping you achieve a beautiful look.

Hand Rejuvenation Treatment: Make Your Hands Look Younger

The latest advancements in aesthetic medicine give us an effective way to treat wrinkles, restore volume and easily improve the texture of your hands. In our expert hand rejuvenation treatment, we use dermal filler Radiesse, a dense yet malleable filler made of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres. This filler restores lost volume and minimises the appearance of veins and tendons, providing a smooth, natural result in just one treatment. Radiesse hand rejuvenation has the added benefit of stimulating collagen production, which is naturally lost over time and causes many visible signs of ageing.

Radiesse is EU and FDA approved, and many studies back its effectiveness in hand rejuvenation. This effective dermal filler will lift depressions between the tendons and veins, reducing the bony appearance of your hands and leaving them looking years younger. You’ll want to use a doctor who is an expert injector and understands the anatomy of the hand to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

What Does Hand Rejuvenation Treat?

Our non-surgical hand rejuvenation procedure can treat the following signs of hand ageing:

Loss of volume — Loss of volume in ageing hands is common. By administering dermal fillers in targeted areas, the hands will appear “lifted” and instantly more youthful.

Pronounced veins and tendons — A loss of collagen and elastin over time results in thinner skin on your hands, causing veins and tendons to become more prominent. If you don’t like the look of them, Radiesse fillers can add plumpness and make them less visible.

Lines and wrinkles — Wrinkly hands can make you appear older than you are. Radiesse fillers use hyaluronic acid to add volume and smooth away lines for a plump, radiant look.

Hand Rejuvenation — How Does It Work?

The beauty of Radiesse hand rejuvenation is the ability of the CaHA gel to create a scaffold that lifts depressions in the skin. Once injected into your skin, the spherical calcium hydroxylapatite particles encourage your body to produce its own collagen to slow down the ageing process.

During your hand treatment, we’ll first ensure you are comfortable and apply numbing cream if needed. We use a very small cannula to administer the injectable filler into targeted areas of the hands and massage it in to ensure a natural look. The procedure is virtually painless and takes less than 30 minutes to inject both hands. You may experience some light bruising or redness around the injection site, but most people can return to work the same day.

Hand Rejuvenation — Before and After Photos

Take a look at these results from two of our patients, who have both enjoyed amazing transformations as a result of our expertly administered hand rejuvenation treatment. You can see that the hands are much smoother, with restored volume and a younger-looking appearance.

hand rejuvenation before and after hand rejuvenation before and after

How Long Does Hand Rejuvenation Last?

Radiesse is a long-lasting filler with effects proven to last up to 18 months. Dermal fillers do not provide permanent results, but Radiesse does have the added benefit of slowing the ageing process so that fewer wrinkles form. Right after treatment, you will notice a difference in the appearance of your hands, but it may take a couple of weeks for the full results to appear.

Radiesse maintains a soft, natural feel and takes on the characteristics of surrounding skin tissue. The gel dissolves over time and is completely metabolised by the body, leaving only the new collagen your body developed. This treatment is great for both men and women, so get in touch for a consultation if you’d like to rejuvenate your hands and achieve a youthful appearance.

If you feel self-conscious about ageing hands, our aesthetic specialists would love to help you turn back the clock and regain your confidence. Contact us today to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation at our Harley Street London clinic.

About Your Treatment

Your treatment

  • PROCEDURE TIME 30-45 minutes

  • BACK TO WORK Same day

  • ANAESTHETIC Topical / Local

  • FULL RECOVERY 2-3 days

  • DURATION OF RESULT 1-2 years

  • RESULTS Immediate

Treatment price

Radiesse - Both hands

More information

The best way to prepare for this treatment is to:
• Avoid Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medicine for two days (e.g. ibuprofen, diclofenac)
• Avoid vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba for two days
• Avoid alcoholic beverages for one day
• Avoid aspirin for seven days (if you take aspirin for a medical reason, please consult your doctor).
When you receive a hand rejuvenation treatment, your skin will first be cleansed and disinfected. You will then be asked to extend and flex your fingers to identify volume deficient areas.
Local anaesthetic is integrated within our dermal fillers to minimise discomfort. An ice pack or Arnica might be used to minimise bruising if needed.
The procedure is simple, quick and relatively painless as only very small needles are used. The filler is introduced with a needle using the bolus technique before being massaged and manipulated until even distribution occurs.
Our hand lift treatment usually takes around 10 minutes per hand to complete and recovery is quick, with virtually no downtime.
Radiesse hand rejuvenation is considered a low-risk procedure. Treatment is generally well tolerated with few side effects.
This treatment is not recommended for the following:
• During pregnancy or while breastfeeding
• Individuals with known hypersensitivity to Radiesse®
• In the presence of infection or severe inflammation at the injection site
• Concurrent treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels.
Side effects are rare. Mild bruising may occur, but this usually fades quickly (you can minimise bruising by avoiding the medication aforementioned before the procedure).
Mild swelling may occur — this usually subsides within two days.
As with any treatment using needles, there is a small risk of local infection. Please adhere to the post-treatment advice to avoid infection; antibiotics might be needed in such cases.
You can carry on with your day as usual straight after leaving the clinic and the results are immediately visible. Book a check-up for two weeks later to review your progress — here you will also have the opportunity to discuss other procedures that will complement hand rejuvenation for a more youthful appearance.
You may also book your next hand rejuvenation appointment to help you maintain your new look. Hand lifts typically last between 12 and 18 months.
• Please avoid putting anything on your hands for at least four hours after treatment
• Please avoid using skincare with peeling chemicals for two days (e.g. glycolic acid)
• Please avoid strenuous exercise for two days
• Please avoid alcohol for two days
• Please avoid sun tanning/sauna/extreme heat for two weeks.

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What People Are Saying

A.O – Highbury

The venesection was painless to say the least, thank you for using local anaesthetics; highly recommended

J.H – Romford

‘I blast and cruise for years. When my haematocrit level went up, my GP did not seem to care and I couldn’t possibly wait for weeks to see a specialist. I am so lucky that to have found Harley Street MD through my research and it is the only clinic I have found that accept self-referral for therapeutic venesection due to AAS use.

Y.R – Vauxhall

I was recommended by my gym mate, I can’t thank you enough for sorting out my prolactin issue due to steroid use. You are a godsend.

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