The Best Hair Loss Treatments for Men

hair loss treatment

Hair loss is a very common condition affecting 65% of all men by the age of 60. It can be a blow to the confidence, so many people are searching for the best hair loss treatments to slow down hair loss and bring back those luscious locks. Hair loss is so common that we have many different types of treatments available, which we will discuss in this blog.

Sometimes hair loss is a result of a genetic condition called androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Hair loss can also be a sign of something else, so the first step is to make an appointment with your doctor. If you’ve spent your whole life with a great head of hair, it can be worrying and shocking when hair loss begins to take hold. You might feel your confidence slipping, and you might start feeling different about your appearance. 

The good news is, many hair loss treatments are effective and offer great results. Hair loss was something you couldn’t change or do anything about, but now you can take control and get back the confidence you lost with non-surgical hair loss treatments.

Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatments 

Surgery can be an expensive and daunting prospect, with hair transplants being costly and painful, so many people consider non-surgical hair loss treatments instead. These non-surgical options don’t require you to go under the knife or have a time-consuming recovery period. Your mileage may vary on the hair loss treatments below, but we recommend them as the first line of defence when you begin to lose your hair. 

Prescription and over-the-counter Drugs

Propecia (Finasteride) is a prescription drug approved to treat male pattern baldness; it’s a pill you take daily. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is available without a prescription and is a liquid or foam applied directly to the scalp twice a day. Results will vary with both these options. Clinical trials have been done on the effectiveness of Rogaine, which showed that a 5% topical minoxidil solution was most effective (but even a 2% solution showed positive results after 48 weeks of use). While these methods are known for slowing hair loss rather than producing new hair growth, it’s not a bad place to start with your hair loss treatment.   

PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is the best non-surgical choice for targeting hair loss. Using a complex scientific process, PRP takes growth factors from your blood, splits out the useful components, then reinjects the plasma into your scalp. The injected platelets stimulate collagen production in the roots of your existing hair and scalp to trigger the hair growth process. Results take a few weeks to notice, but it’s a natural change that is both effective and noticeable. 

If you are thinking of having PRP therapy, you’ll be happy to know the treatment is quick, so you’ll be able to return to work the next day (or straight after if you wish). During the appointment, you will need to have blood taken, but it’s a fast and smooth procedure, and you shouldn’t feel too uncomfortable. This small amount of blood is the key to unlocking the potential of PRP. 

The procedure only takes around 30 to 45 minutes, and you’ll start seeing the improvements within a one to a three-month window — although the results do vary from person to person. The results can be long lasting but a minimal yearly top-up is advised. For optimal results, monthly sessions for the first three months are highly recommended. If you need more information, we talk all about PRP therapy on our treatment page.

Is Hair Loss Treatment Right for You?

The best time to get a hair loss treatment is as soon as you start feeling insecure about your thinning hair. The sooner you start treatment for hair loss, the better. Remember, it takes time to see results with hair loss treatments, so don’t live with the problem and let your confidence suffer — especially when there are solutions available to try. 

The good news is PRP therapy is a low-risk hair loss treatment, especially compared to alternative surgical options. This means you stand a good chance of being accepted for treatment. However, you may be turned away for medical reasons if any of these apply to you — active infection on the scalp, systemically unwell, uncontrolled diabetes or severe anaemia.

To find out more about our treatment for hair loss, get in touch for a FREE, no-obligation consultation at our Harley Street clinic today. 

Founder at Harley St M.D.
Dr. Chia Tan is a UK trained medical doctor that specialises in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine and testosterone replacement therapy. He is qualified as a medical doctor since 2003 and has since trained extensively. He has been featured in several leading magazines as well as invited to appear on TV to discuss aesthetic medicine and the latest cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Chia Tan
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