How to Get a Defined Jawline for Men

man with a defined jawline in a suit perked up against the wall

Jawline Reshaping

One of the key questions men come to us with is how to get a defined jawline. A weak jaw or chin in men is typically a combination of genetics and age. A strong jawline is desirable at any age, but maybe you weren’t bothered about your jawline when you were younger?  

As you age, your jaw can become more of a concern, and a good jawline can help you look younger. A weak jaw tends to comprise a rounded chin and a lack of definition caused by the mandible (lower jaw bone) being further set inwards. In comparison, a chiselled jawline is positioned forward or outwards.

A sharp jawline is linked with youth and masculinity. Scientific studies in the Nature journal have indicated that a strong jawline can even make you more sexually attractive. A stronger jaw can be achieved with various methods, including:

Facial and jawline exercises

Weight loss

Dermal fillers


Jaw and chin implants.

How the Jawline Changes with Age

Ageing may seem to happen overnight, as if you went to bed and woke up the next day aged ten years. However, ageing is a gradual process. In our mid-20s, skin elasticity starts to decrease as collagen production slows down. As we enter our 40s, this tends to be when many people start noticing the effects of ageing. The most pronounced changes are normally a combination of deeper set lines and wrinkles and a change in facial contours. 

By 50, reduced collagen production and the loss of fat tissue, combined with weaker facial muscles and bone loss, can dramatically alter the jawline. Fat also builds up under the chin, making the chin look weak and giving the appearance of a double chin. You will probably also notice deeper laughter lines and hollows forming under your eyes.   

What Are the Best Jawline Exercises?

Facial and jawline exercises can help to sculpt the muscles and tighten skin to create a stronger jaw. Three of the best jawline exercises are:

Chin lift 

1. Start by closing your mouth and pushing your jaw forward. 

2. Next, lower your chin to your neck and then lift your chin up as far as you can. You should be able to feel the skin stretching and becoming taught, which means the muscles are contracted. 

3. Count to ten and then repeat as many times as you want to. 

Tongue twister

1. Put your tongue onto the roof of your mouth 

2. Close your mouth and lift your chin upward

3. Hold for 10 seconds and hum. 

Fish face

1. Open your mouth and say O and then E

2. Try to keep your teeth covered with your lips 

3. Repeat ten times.

You can also chew gum to exercise the jaw throughout the day without needing to think about it.  

Get a Defined Jawline without Surgery

Jawline contouring is a way to get the “power profile” with a redefined, strong jawline. Non-invasive injectable treatments have advanced over the decades and now provide solutions previously only achievable with plastic surgery. Botox and dermal fillers are the two most popular forms of non-surgical anti-ageing treatments, and both treatments can reduce deep lines and wrinkles and help to contour the face. 

If you want to know how to get a defined jawline without surgery, read on to find out how Botox and dermal fillers work.


Botox is the brand name for neurotoxin, which freezes the muscles. Botox for men can be used to create a more defined jaw by lifting and tightening the jowls. Botox can also be strategically injected to narrow the facial contours, producing the v-line face shape.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are the most effective way to create a “power jaw”. One of our favourite Esquire articles explains how you can make your jawline more defined with jawline fillers. 

In the hands of an experienced clinician, dermal fillers for men can give the jaw structure and augment the chin, which will also enhance the jawline. The key to creating a natural-looking chiselled jawline is using the appropriate volumes of filler in the right places.  

Dermal fillers are made from various substances; we prefer hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers as they have an extensive safety record and a very low complication rate. One of the reasons HA fillers are so low risk is because hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body. They can also be easily dissolved if you are not happy with the results for any reason.

How Do Jawline Fillers Work?

Fillers are used to augment natural bone structure. Carefully planned dermal fillers in the jaw and chin can increase the projection of the jawline to give a more structured and sharp jawline. Additional injections into the chin can produce a square shape that further enhances and defines the jawline.

Hyaluronic acid dermal filler lasts around 12 to 18 months. You can help hyaluronic acid filler last longer by:

Wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunbathing

Moisturising daily

Staying hydrated by drinking water.

Risks of Dermal Fillers

Risks are very low with hyaluronic acid dermal filler; however, there are some temporary side effects that will usually resolve within 48 hours.

Common side effects of dermal fillers include:

Swelling and bruising 


Itching and skin rash.

To reduce side effects, you should avoid wine and anti-inflammatory or blood thinning painkillers, such as Ibuprophen and Aspirin, for seven days before you have fillers. After having dermal fillers, don’t massage the area or lie down for eight hours and avoid vigorous exercise or activities for 24 hours.


If you want a more defined jawline without plastic surgery, we are here to answer any questions. Or you can book a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your personalised cosmetic procedure at our Harley Street clinic in Central London.

Founder at Harley Street MD
Dr. Chia Tan is a UK-trained and GMC-registered doctor and a respected member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) and the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM). As a former Clinical Education Fellow at the University of Warwick, Dr. Tan has published numerous articles in leading scientific and medical journals, highlighting his expertise.

His extensive qualifications and memberships reflect his profound medical knowledge and dedication to providing exceptional patient care in aesthetic weight loss, and men’s health treatments.
Dr. Chia Tan
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