If you’re worried about erectile dysfunction, you’re not alone. Many men in the UK, and around the world suffer with the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction, and it’s a common issue for many men as they get older.
Whilst there is no specific age that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) starts, it generally tends to emerge more as men get older. However, men as young as 20 may suffer with regular ED, so it’s not a condition that is solely found in older men.
Here are some statistics from OnlineDoctor at Superdrug that can help illustrate the range of ages that can be affect by Erectile Dysfunction.
7-8% of men aged 20-40
11% of men aged 40-50
40% of men aged 60+
50% of men aged 70+
To add to this, a large study of men in the UK, between the ages of 18-75, showed a rate of 39% for lifetime Erectile Dysfunction. These figures mean that around 1 in 17 men in the UK suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. These figures can help you realise that you’re not alone in suffering with ED, and that there are solutions out there to help.
Because of how many men experience Erectile Dysfunction at some point in their life, it’s something you should never feel nervous about approaching with your GP or doctor. They will have seen many men with the same issues, so it’s not something that will be a shock or surprise to them.
There are several natural ways you can help tackle the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction. These include:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and moving more
Losing weight (if overweight or obese)
Getting more sleep (or better quality sleep)
Doing kegel exercises
Quit smoking
Reduce your alcohol intake
There are also medical options available too, but it’s always best to speak to your doctor before trying any medical options.
At Harley Street MD we offer an Erectile Dysfunction treatment, which is discreet and tailored to you. During our consultation, we’ll aim to understand the possible causes and reasons behind your ED, and give you real solutions.
Patients who are part of our Erectile Dysfunction treatment will receive their own personalised management pan, which could include medication in the form of oral tablets, intra-urethral applications or an intra-carvenosal injection.
If you’d like to get in touch with us to discuss prices and talk further about consultation, we’d love to hear from you.