What Are Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments?

Non-surgical cosmetic treatments are minimally invasive procedures that do not require any surgical incisions to be made. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures include treatments such as anti-wrinkle treatments, tear trough fillers and fat dissolving injections. Cosmetic and aesthetic treatments can improve a person’s wellbeing and self-esteem and have a positive effect on their overall health.

Examples of Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Both men and women can benefit from the bespoke treatment plans offered by Harley Street MD, with a wide variety of facial and body treatments as well as male aesthetics and hormone replacement. Below are just a few examples of non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can replace the need for surgical intervention:

  • Non-Surgical Facelift — when gravity takes its toll as we age, it can have an impact on our self-esteem. A non-surgical facelift (or liquid facelift) is a minimally invasive procedure that will eliminate fine lines, soften wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve the overall symmetry of the face.
  • Non-Surgical Nose Job — dermal fillers can be used to reshape the nose, whether it is a bump on the bridge or a hook-shaped nose. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can change your side profile without the need for painful surgery with almost zero recovery time.
  • Injection Lipolysis (Fat Dissolving Injection) — fatty deposits that just won’t shift with diet and exercise can be frustrating. Injection lipolysis can contour small areas of the body without the need for surgery.
  • Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment — platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses growth factors retrieved directly from your blood to rejuvenate the skin and hair on the scalp. PRP reduces the risk of allergic reaction and produces natural results.

There are many benefits to non-surgical cosmetic procedures, including cost, low procedure and recovery time, less invasive and a more natural-looking result.

To find out more about non-surgical cosmetic treatments and the other services offered, contact Harley Street MD today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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