Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction Treatment in London

Prioritise your health with our Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction Treatment. We offer professional advice and treatment options to mitigate the negative effects of steroids. We provide confidential, compassionate care to support your physical and mental health throughout. Protect your well-being while maintaining your health goals.

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Treatment for the Negative Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), Prohormones (PH) and Human Growth Hormone (GH) are frequently used in the fitness and bodybuilding community. At Harley Street Medical Doctors, we won’t judge if you decide to use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) for non-medical purposes.

But, it’s important to know it can be dangerous to use anabolic steroids, especially without medical supervision. We do not encourage, promote, endorse or prescribe performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) for illicit use. However, we know there is a niche of individuals who desperately require medical attention to reduce the negative effects of steroids or seek medical assistance and prescriptions for Human Growth Hormone (GH).

What Are the Negative Side Effects of Steroids?

Steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause serious side effects, and at our CQC registered clinic, we specialise in steroid harm reduction management. When your body is flooded with extra testosterone, it stops producing testosterone naturally. Consequently, when you stop taking steroids, you may experience a “hormone crash” because the body is no longer getting the testosterone needed for normal body function.

You could also experience withdrawal symptoms during steroid cycling, like depression, headaches, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, hair loss and libido issues. Many men experience fluctuations in mood, increased anger or rage, anxiety — even paranoia — and some of the other serious potential negative effects of steroids include:

• Infertility
• Erectile dysfunction
• Hypertension or high blood pressure
• Heart failure
• Prostate problems
• Liver damage
• Kidney failure
• Strokes
• Diabetes.

Get in contact today with Harley Street MD to schedule a consultation for anabolic steroid harm reduction treatment and steroid blood tests in London.

Anabolic Steroids, Gynecomastia and Treatment

Steroid-induced gynecomastia is a side effect of anabolic steroids, which you might prevent from progressing if it is diagnosed at an early stage. The majority of gynecomastia brought on by steroid use is Type 1 or Type 2, which is regarded as mild. 

Gynecomastia in certain people may go away by just stopping their steroid use, and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help by restoring more normal and natural levels of hormones. 

The only successful method to resolve gynecomastia permanently, if it does not resolve following discontinuation of anabolic steroid use and treatment with TRT, is through surgery. 

Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction Treatment in London

Which Anabolic Steroids Are Most Frequently Used?

Caution: Almost all of the substances on this list require a prescription from a medical professional. The majority of steroids used by bodybuilders obtained from unknown suppliers are counterfeit, and there is no way to know what effects they may have. 

According to biopathologist Dr Touliatos, the top 10 most popular anabolic steroids are:

  1. Testosterone
  2. Dianabol
  3. Anadrol 
  4. Trenbolone
  5. Turinabol
  6. Winstrol
  7. Anavar
  8. Deca-Durabolin
  9. Masteron
  10. Equipoise.

Blood Test for Steroids

We also offer a wide range of blood testing for steroids that help you keep track of your health, including: 

  • Full blood count (£55): Full haematology profile including haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and haematocrit (Hct).
  • Standard Health Profile (£95): full blood count, kidney function test, liver function test, iron profile, bone profile, fasting blood sugar, full cholesterol breakdown and inflammatory marker.
  • Advanced Health Profile (£165): full blood count, kidney function test, liver function test, iron profile, bone profile,  fasting blood sugar, full cholesterol breakdown, inflammatory marker  vitamin D level, complete thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH).
  • Complete Health Profile (£195): full blood count, kidney function test, liver function test, iron profile, bone profile,  fasting blood sugar, full cholesterol breakdown, inflammatory marker  vitamin D level, complete thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH) and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA).
  • Complete Hormone Profile (£165): LH, FSH, testosterone, oestradiol (E2), prolactin, SHBG, free androgen index (FAI).
  • Complete Growth Hormone Profile (£195): Tumour Markers – CEA (bowel cancer), AFP (liver cancer), CA19.9 (pancreatic cancer), HbA1c (Diabetic screening), IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor).
  • Advanced Prostate Profile (£95): free PSA, total PSA, free: total PSA ratio.
  • Insulin-like Growth Factor (£80): IGF-1.
  • Glycated haemoglobin (£50): HbA1c (Risk assessment of diabetes).
  • Blood Borne Virus Screening (£165): HIV p24 antigen, HIV type 1 & 2 antibodies, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis.

You do not need to have a GP referral for blood testing for steroids, and your confidentiality will be upheld and guaranteed. Treatment for steroid use is critical to ensure you make changes to your steroid cycle if required. If you have concerns about your infertility, we provide semen analysis for £175.

At our London clinic, we respect individual choices and ensure treatment for steroid use is provided without judgment. We understand your frustration and struggle when it comes to anabolic steroid harm reduction to minimise the risks while using steroids. Steroid harm reduction with the help of a medical professional can help you prevent irreparable damage to your body and hormone levels. In addition to blood testing for steroids, we can set you up with a post cycle therapy protocol that supports you in recovering between steroid cycles.

Get in contact with us right now to schedule a consultation at our London clinic and learn more about steroid blood tests and anabolic steroid harm reduction. 

Additional Tests and Treatment for Steroid Use

We value confidentiality and recognise why you may be reluctant to seek help from your GP. We are here to guide and protect individuals on AAS cycles, blasting and cruising, or suffering from complications associated with previous steroid use. 

Whether you are natural, assisted, or a long-term AAS user, we are here to give you objective advice and the best medical anabolic steroid harm reduction treatment and post-cycle therapy guidance.

At Harley Street MD in London, we also provide services such as:

  • Body fat measurement and tracking
  • Safe injection technique
  • Safe needle disposal and provision of sharp box
  • Bacteriostatic solution and reconstitution advice
  • Blood test monitoring
  • Blood Borne virus screening
  • Semen analysis
  • HPTA restoration
  • HPTA protection during the cycle
  • Oestradiol (E2) control and treatment
  • Abscess/infection management
  • Venesection/phlebotomy for rising haematocrit
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure management
  • Acne management
  • Gynaecomastia management
  • Prostate gland screening
  • Post-cycle therapy (PCT) guidance and prescription.

Why Have Anabolic Harm Reduction Treatment at Harley Street MD in London?

Harley Street MD is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and doctors led by Dr Chia Tan. The founder of Harley Street MD, Dr Tan is a UK-trained doctor registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). He holds a Diploma from the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) and gained vast expertise in urology and endocrinology while studying surgery and family medicine.

In the bodybuilding, powerlifting, and fitness communities, Dr Chia Tan is highly sought after as one of London’s best male health doctors. He offers specialised services targeted at reducing the potential side effects of taking growth hormones, prohormones, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), and anabolic steroids. He does this with a discrete, professional, and informed approach to health and physical conditioning.

Get in touch today to book a consultation in London to find out about steroid blood tests and anabolic steroid harm reduction treatment at Harley Street MD, your trusted aesthetic clinic in London.

Evidence-Based Research and Studies

The research and studies references that we used in addition to our internal research have all been referenced here; most of them have an external link to the scientific publication. We work hard to bring you the most recent, impartial, factual, and evidence-based information to help you make informed decisions.


• Anabolic Steroids and Other Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs (APEDs) From: NIDA NIH.
• Understanding How Testosterone Affects Men. From: NIH RESEARCH MATTERS.
• Beniwal M, Singh K, Singh P, Sharma A, Beniwal S. The Burden of Anabolic Androgenic Steroid-Induced Gynecomastia. Indian J Plast Surg. 2023 Jul 28;56(4):338-343. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1771293. PMID: 37705825; PMCID: PMC10497340. From: NCBI NIH.
• Grant B, Kean J, Vali N, Campbell J, Maden L, Bijral P, Dhillo WS, McVeigh J, Quinton R, Jayasena CN. The use of post-cycle therapy is associated with reduced withdrawal symptoms from anabolic-androgenic steroid use: a survey of 470 men. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2023 Nov 11;18(1):66. doi: 10.1186/s13011-023-00573-8. PMID: 37951896; PMCID: PMC10640727. From: PubMed NCBI NIH.

About Your Treatment

Treatment price

Consultation (up to 30 minutes)
Full blood count
Standard Health Profile (FBC,UE,LFT,Bone,Glucose,Iron,Cholesterol)
Advanced Health Profile (Standard Health Profile + Vitamin D + Thyroid function)
Complete Health Profile (Advanced Health Profile + PSA)
Complete Hormone Profile (LH,FSH,Tesosterone,E2,Prolactin,SHBG)
Complete GH Profile (Tumour Markers,HbA1c,IGF-1)
Advanced Prostate Profile (total and free PSA, PSA Ratio)
Blood Borne Virus (Syphillis,HepB,HepC,HIV)
Testosterone Blood test
Oestradiol (E2) Blood test
Testosterone and Oestradiol Blood test
IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor -1)
HbA1c (diabetes mellitus screening)
Venesection/ Phlebotomy
PCT medication
please contact clinic
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More information

Fast for 10 hours, but drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.

Please avoid:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine for at least two days (e.g. ibuprofen)
- Ginkgo Biloba for two days
- Avoid vitamin E for two days
- Alcoholic beverages for 24 hours
- Aspirin for seven days (if you take aspirin for a medical reason, please first consult with your doctor).

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What People Are Saying

A.O – Highbury

The venesection was painless to say the least, thank you for using local anaesthetics; highly recommended

J.H – Romford

‘I blast and cruise for years. When my haematocrit level went up, my GP did not seem to care and I couldn’t possibly wait for weeks to see a specialist. I am so lucky that to have found Harley Street MD through my research and it is the only clinic I have found that accept self-referral for therapeutic venesection due to AAS use.

Y.R – Vauxhall

I was recommended by my gym mate, I can’t thank you enough for sorting out my prolactin issue due to steroid use. You are a godsend.

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