The Face Sculpting Guide: Causes and Treatment of Double Chins for Men and Women

Causes and Treatment of Double Chins

There are certain areas of the body where fat pockets are hard to eliminate with diet and exercise. Everyone has different genetics and lifestyles that determine where stubborn fat will accumulate in our bodies. For some people, it’s around their belly, saddlebags, the area on the upper arms — but for many, it’s under the chin.

No matter how hard you try, you may have fat under your chin that makes you feel self-conscious. This is submental fat,  also known as a “double chin” — but there’s good news: Harley Street MD, your trusted Aesthetic Clinic in London can help you lose weight without surgery and get rid of your double chin without exercise with our modern non-surgical chin augmentation treatments. Before we dive into the treatments for double chins, let’s find out the causes.

Quick Search

5 Causes of a Double Chin
Most Effective Exercises for Double Chins
Double Chin Treatment and Non-Surgical Procedures
Treatment 1: Chin Fillers Treatment for Double Chin
Treatment 2: Fat Dissolving Injections
Fat Dissolving Injections vs Weight Loss Injections
Why Choose Harley Street MD for Your Treatments?

5 Causes of a Double Chin

  1. Weight gain: If you put on weight, one of the areas that can change is your face and under your chin. These excess fat deposits under the chin, contributing to a double chin, can become a “problem area” for some. 
  1. Poor posture: Another part of your lifestyle that can affect the look of your chin and neck is posture. Poor posture can weaken the muscles of the neck and chin, contributing to the appearance of a double chin over time. One modern-day example that may be impacting this is “tech neck” — poor posture and a stretched neck that comes from looming over a smart phone for too long each day.
  1. Medical reasons: It has also been suggested that certain medications, or even a cortisol imbalance or slower thyroid function can result in a deposit of fatty tissue under the chin.
  1. Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to having a double chin, regardless of their weight. In this instance, a healthy diet and exercise regime will often not affect the double chin.
  1. Ageing: Another element that may cause a double chin that is out of our control is ageing. Skin can lose elasticity with age, leading to loose skin around the jawline and the appearance of a double chin. 

Causes for Female Double Chin: The only cause of a double chin for women is hormonal changes. For example, the huge hormonal fluctuations seen during menopause can contribute to changes in fat distribution and skin elasticity, potentially leading to a double chin.

Causes for Male Double Chin: One potential cause for male double chins could be lower testosterone levels. This is because a lack of testosterone, which naturally occurs with age, can lead to some facial changes, including increased fat. 

Most Effective Exercises for Double Chins 

Straight Jaw Jut: Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling, then push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax your jaw and return your head to a neutral position.

Ball Exercise: Place a small, soft ball under your chin and press your chin down against the ball.

Tongue Press: Sit with your back straight and shoulders relaxed and tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Next, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Lower your chin to your chest without moving your upper back. Hold for five seconds, then relax.

Pucker Up: Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Next, pucker your lips as if you are kissing the ceiling. Hold this position for five seconds.

Neck Stretch: Tilt your head back, look at the ceiling, and press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Hold for up to 10 seconds, then release.

But there is limited evidence that these exercises work — so, read on if you want to know more about a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure for a double chin.

Double Chin Treatment and Non-Surgical Procedures

Double Chin Treatment and Non-Surgical Procedures

There are two types of double chin procedures to choose from:

Jaw and neck fillers
Fat-dissolving injections. 

This article will take you through them both — and at Harley Street MD book a free consultation, in London to find out which is the best option for you.

Treatment 1: Chin Fillers Treatment for Double Chin

If you look in the mirror and aren’t happy with your chin or jawline, you may consider chin fillers for a more balanced facial profile. When administered by an experienced injector, dermal fillers applied to the chin, and jaw can help you achieve the contoured look you’ve dreamed of, slimming your jawline or making it more pronounced, depending on your requirements.

If you’d like a more defined jawline without the need for cosmetic surgery, chin filler treatment could be an excellent option for you. Below, we’ll answer all your questions about chin fillers, from how chin augmentation works to how much it costs and the kind of results you can expect. Read on to learn more about chin fillers and how they can improve facial symmetry.

Double Chin Treatment: Chin Fillers At a Glance

These new procedures have become very popular because they are safe and do not require you to go under the knife or stay in hospital. There’s little to no downtime for our non-surgical treatments and you can often go back to work straight after the procedure.

At our aesthetic clinic in London, we have a chin augmentation treatment that targets this stubborn fat under the chin. If you feel your chin is too prominent, if it is retracted from your face, or if you want to reshape it, we can also change the shape of your chin and jawline To do this, we inject hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers into the treatment areas. This dermal filler stimulates your natural hyaluronic acid production, acting as an internal moisturiser to hydrate your skin.

What Is Chin and Jawline Filler? 

Non-surgical chin augmentation is a simple facial contouring procedure carried out using dermal fillers. These are made from hyaluronic acid (HA), which is used to reshape and mould the jawline for an attractive and more balanced appearance. HA is a gel-like substance similar to the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid found in your body. 

We use HA dermal fillers to “fill” shallowness and imperfections in the chin area or reshape the jaw, helping you get rid of your double chin or achieve the contoured jawline you desire. Sometimes, all that is needed to slim the face and achieve natural-looking results is a series of Botox injections in the jawline.

Women vs Men Treatment for Double Chin

For women, a stronger chin can be achieved by increasing the height, width or projection, improving facial proportions and making the face appear slimmer. 

For men, a more masculine, defined jaw can be achieved through jaw filler treatment by balancing height and width and injecting dermal filler into sagging jowls.

Chin fillers can be used to restore volume and sculpt the jawline while also smoothing out the skin and ensuring a more youthful appearance. Whatever look you want to achieve, we can discuss whether it’s possible at your free consultation and answer any questions you may have about chin augmentation treatment.

So, in summary:

Double chin treatment for women typically would be fat dissolving injections. Botox and dermal fillers may be used to create a better profile with a subtle increase in the projection of the chin.

Double chin treatment for men would typically be chin filler treatment, but these may also be combined with jawline treatment and fat dissolving injections for the best results. 

What Results Can I Expect from Dermal Chin Fillers?

The results of a non-surgical chin augmentation will vary depending on your face shape and your goals for the procedure, but this non-surgical treatment can significantly improve overall face shape without the need for surgery. Looking at the side profile of the face as well as the front and along the neck, a medical professional will assess your specific requirements and decide on a treatment plan that works for you. 

To ensure optimal results from chin filler injections, your cosmetic doctor will look at facial symmetry, one of the most crucial aspects to consider when enhancing parts of the face. Dermal filler can correct asymmetrical features by adding volume, shape and contouring.

Chin filler treatments are personalised to provide the ideal lift and volume for your face. This non-surgical alternative to chin implant surgery is commonly used to treat the following:

Treating an undefined or “weak” chin
Tightening the skin around the chin and jawline
Increasing projection of the chin
Adding contour to the jawline
Improving facial symmetry
Softening a cleft chin
Adding structure to the lower face
Reducing the appearance of sagging jowls
Minimising the appearance of a double chin.

Although chin filler treatments focus on one area of the face, they can dramatically impact your appearance as a whole. You’ll notice a significant difference before and after chin fillers, with this procedure helping patients achieve a rejuvenated yet natural new look. If your chin and jaw are areas that bother you, this dermal filler treatment could restore confidence and improve your self-esteem.

How Long Does Chin Filler Treatment Take?

Chin augmentation typically takes around 30-45 minutes, making it a quick and straightforward alternative to traditional chin implant surgery. First, your face is cleansed, and a topical anaesthetic is applied to help numb the injection sites. 

This is followed by medical professionals administering chin filler injections with small needles. You will experience minimum disruption to your day and can return to your usual activities immediately afterwards.

Aftercare for Dermal Fillers

There is minimal disruption to your schedule when you receive jaw fillers, and you can even get straight back to work if you’d like. You may experience slight bruising and puffiness around the injection site after the procedure, but this will settle down within a day or so. It won’t be long before you’re admiring your brand-new facial enhancement.

While the procedure doesn’t take long, there are a few special considerations to consider. 

In the days leading up to your chin treatment, you should be careful what medications you take, including the use of NSAIDs. It is not recommended to take these or aspirin within two days of a chin filler procedure. Alcohol should also be avoided the day before treatment and for two days after. Hot environments like saunas should be avoided for two weeks after the treatment, and you should also avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours following a chin filler procedure. These are minor lifestyle adjustments to ensure the safety and success of your dermal filler treatment.

Two weeks after the dermal filler procedure, you’ll be invited back for a follow-up appointment to discuss the treatment and examine your results. The doctor will check how the chin filler has settled and give you the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you might have. If you’re interested in further non-surgical cosmetic procedures, this is also an opportunity to discuss any other treatments that would complement your new look. As dermal fillers are not a permanent solution, you will need to top up your chin fillers in time — most patients come in for a top-up once a year.

How Long Until I See Results? 

The results of this procedure show immediately, so you can instantly start getting accustomed to the new you. Unlike some other non-surgical procedures, you’ll get to see the change right away, but give it a week or two to experience the full effect. 

How Long Do the Results Last?

As this is a non-surgical alternative, the results will last up to 18 months depending on several factors like genetics, metabolism and lifestyle. It can be an ideal way to see the effects of a change to facial aesthetics without committing to a permanent change. After the dermal fillers begin to dissipate, you can decide if you want to opt for something more permanent or continue with a top-up procedure to refresh your jawline.

How Much Does Chin Filler Treatment Cost?

The cost of the treatment will vary slightly depending on the results you want to see and how much filler is needed to achieve those results. At Harley Street MD, our chin augmentation procedure starts at £350. The doctor will take the time to understand what you want to achieve with your new look and will then give you a cost based on this.

For a free aesthetic consultation at our clinic in London, contact our experts at Harley Street MD. We’ll use the most pioneering non-surgical techniques to help you regain your self-esteem and feel good about yourself.

Treatment 2: Fat Dissolving Injections

Double Chin Treatment: Fat Dissolving Injections at a Glance

It’s common for people to feel self-conscious about extra fat under their chin — affectionately known as the “double chin”. This is an area of stubborn fat that is often resistant to diet and exercise or might be an area where fat accumulates more easily for people regardless of whether they are overweight. The good news is, at Harley Street MD in London, we have a minimally invasive way to treat your double chin without ever going under the knife. 

We can target the stubborn fat in your double chin using fat dissolving injections. Over a recommended course of treatments, you’ll gradually see amazing results and your double chin will fade away. You’ll see the results you want, without the worry and expense of traditional facelifts or surgery.

What Are Fat Dissolving Injections?

The technical name for fat dissolving injections is injection lipolysis. This is an FDA and UK-approved non-surgical technique where a liquid is injected into the fatty layers of the skin, which dissolves local fat without the need for surgery. Fat dissolving injections work by hydrolysing the wall of the fat cell, making it release its lipid content, which is then flushed out by the body naturally through the lymphatic system.

You may have heard of the brands Aqualyx, Belkyra, and Kybella® for fat removal injections. The double chin injection is a treatment that (over time) can eliminate unflattering or stubborn areas of fat and completely transform your appearance. The technique is used for many areas of the body where stubborn pockets of fat won’t budge. The double chin is a popular area that sees fantastic results for our patients.

Who Is a Good Candidate for This Procedure? 

Unfortunately, certain areas of the body and face are commonly resistant to a good diet and exercise, no matter what we do. Anyone can have excess fat under their chin, so most people are good candidates for fat dissolving injections in this area. Be sure to visit the treatment page at the bottom for “What You Need to Know” about the treatment to see if you qualify.

Fat loss injections are not a great option for larger areas of unwanted fat, but it is perfect for people who are at a healthy weight but have a little extra in a small area. If you want to remove larger amounts of fat, non-surgical fat removal treatments are not the best choice. You may want to look into cosmetic surgery procedures or weight loss surgery if this is the case.

Is Injection Lipolysis Safe?

We only offer safe treatments that are approved by government agencies at Harley Street MD. Aqualyx and fat loss injections have been used worldwide since 2009, so it’s a cosmetic procedure you can feel at ease receiving. Our team is trained and certified to perform all the injectable treatments we offer. 

The added safety benefit of having fat dissolving injections over surgical treatments is there is no need for surgery or to go into hospital. Surgical treatments like liposuction or facelifts carry a much greater risk of infection, have more pre and post-treatment requirements and have longer downtime. Aqualyx is a non-invasive body contouring option available at a much lower cost, so if you are a good candidate, we recommend it over surgery, at least as the first line of defence. 

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

You may require multiple treatments before seeing the results you desire from double chin injections (your consultant will recommend a treatment course for you). Usually, it is necessary to have two to four treatments spaced out four to six weeks apart. You’ll see results after two to three weeks or up to six weeks. The results are permanent.

What Is the Recovery Time?

The procedure has minimal downtime and recovery time, which means you can carry on with life relatively quickly after the treatment. We recommend giving yourself a day or two of rest immediately following treatment. 

Most people experience some swelling for a week or more, so that is perfectly normal. You may want to get the procedure when you can easily wear turtleneck tops or a scarf if you feel uncomfortable with the swelling. 

Is This Procedure Only for Women?

We find that fat dissolving injections are a very popular treatment for both women and men. Everyone wants to look and feel their best, so we have all kinds of people come in for this non-invasive procedure to remove localised fat pockets around the body.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The removal of fat cells is permanent, but maintaining reduced fat after treatment is down to you. We can’t work miracles if you don’t do the work needed to maintain your treatment with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Six weeks after your last treatment, you will see your final results, and it will look completely natural. 

What Are the Side Effects of Treatment? 

The side effects of fat loss injections are mild. You may experience some pain, light bruising or swelling around the injection area for a few days after treatment. This treatment is not suitable for certain clients, such as pregnant or lactating women or those with certain health conditions like diabetes, liver or kidney disease, or skin issues. Please discuss with your registered clinician to see if Aqualyx is right for you. Serious complications are very rare from fat dissolving injections.

If you decide to have double chin injections, ensure you choose a reputable clinic. There have been reports of people selling fake products marketed as Aqualyx. It’s also important to note that clinics do not have to be specially licensed to offer fat removal treatments, so you’ll want to receive the treatment from a licensed medical professional. 

Get in touch with our aesthetic clinic in London today to set up your free, no-obligation consultation. Our consultants at Harley Street MD will discuss your goals and expectations and recommend the best double chin removal treatment for you.

Fat Dissolving Injections vs Weight Loss Injections

We already know there are some stubborn areas of fat that don’t want to go away with diet and exercise. You might have tried everything, but that extra bit of fat will still not budge. Or maybe you are too busy to spend hours in the gym every day. We offer two EU-approved methods for weight loss you may want to consider.

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections

Do you want to reduce fat in certain areas of your body quickly without surgery? Then an Aqualyx fat dissolving injection could be a great solution. Fat dissolving injections like Aqualyx are totally safe. Aqualyx has been used worldwide since 2009. The way Aqualyx works is simple — it’s injected into the adipose tissue under the skin and dissolves fat cells. The fat then leaves the body naturally through the lymphatic system. Let us know if you want more information about this procedure.

Saxenda Weight Loss Injections

Saxenda helps regulate your appetite, so it’s great for those people who struggle with their weight or have overeating problems. It makes you feel full faster, which prolongs satiety to help you not overeat. When Saxenda accompanies a healthy meal plan and an active lifestyle, more people keep the weight off for good.

Do you want to get rid of your double chin to feel more confident? Book a free, no-obligation consultation with our aesthetic treatment experts. We offer the best treatments for weight loss and non-surgical facial treatments to meet all your needs.

Why Choose Harley Street MD for Your Treatments?

We are a trusted name within our industry, offering the highest standards, expertise and great results. Let’s explain in more detail why you should choose Harley Street MD for your double chin procedure. 

Expertise and Qualifications

Harley Street MD’s Dr Chia Tan is renowned for his great medical experience and range of memberships and qualifications in cosmetic procedures, including fat dissolving treatments. With over 20 years of experience, Dr Chia Tan has the expertise needed to carry out reliable, high-quality aesthetic medical procedures.

Safety and High Standards

Harley Street MD adheres to strict safety protocols to ensure that all procedures are performed under optimal conditions. This commitment to safety reduces risks and enhances the overall treatment experience.

Personalised Approach

Each treatment plan at Harley Street MD is tailored to the individual needs of the patient, ensuring personalised care and optimal results. This customised approach helps address specific concerns and results in a more calming feel to a procedure — you’re in safe hands, after all! 

Proven Results

The clinic offers tried and tested treatments like Aqualyx, known for its high effectiveness in reducing localised fat deposits. These treatments have a strong reputation and are backed by positive patient outcomes.

Long Lasting Results

As mentioned above, the fat dissolving injections offered by Harley Street MD provide long-lasting results — up to 18 months — and help patients achieve their sculpted chin for extended periods. This means fewer trips are needed to maintain this look, too. 

For a free aesthetic consultation at our clinic in London, contact our experts at Harley Street MD. We’ll use the most pioneering non-surgical techniques to help you regain your self-esteem and feel good about yourself.

Evidence-Based Research and Studies

We have referenced the research and study references we used, in addition to our internal research, here; most of them have an external link to the scientific publication. We work hard to bring you the most recent, impartial, factual, and evidence-based information to help you make informed decisions.


‘Tech neck’: Technology’s effect on your neck From: Mayo Clinic
Kodoth V, Scaccia S, Aggarwal B. Adverse Changes in Body Composition During the Menopausal Transition and Relation to Cardiovascular Risk: A Contemporary Review. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022 Jun 13;3(1):573-581. doi: 10.1089/whr.2021.0119. PMID: 35814604; PMCID: PMC9258798. From: NIH
Wongprasert P, Dreiss CA, Murray G. Evaluating hyaluronic acid dermal fillers: A critique of current characterization methods. Dermatol Ther. 2022 Jun;35(6):e15453. doi: 10.1111/dth.15453. Epub 2022 Apr 5. PMID: 35293660; PMCID: PMC9285697. From: NIH 

Founder at Harley Street MD
Dr. Chia Tan is a UK-trained and GMC-registered doctor and a respected member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) and the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM). As a former Clinical Education Fellow at the University of Warwick, Dr. Tan has published numerous articles in leading scientific and medical journals, highlighting his expertise.

His extensive qualifications and memberships reflect his profound medical knowledge and dedication to providing exceptional patient care in aesthetic weight loss, and men’s health treatments.
Dr. Chia Tan
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