How Effective Are Fat-Dissolving Injections?

slimming man body, fat dissolving injections

Updated January 2023

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to eat a healthy, balanced diet or what exercise you do, you can struggle to shift stubborn fatty deposits in certain areas of the body. Plus, research shows that where you store fat can be due to genetics!  Whether it’s a little belly pouch, a double chin or back fat, several parts of your body can keep hold of stubborn fat through no fault of your own. This is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. But if you feel your confidence would skyrocket if you were to find an effective way to get rid of stubborn fat, you might have already considered some form of cosmetic surgery.

Although liposuction or liposculpture may be an effective way to contour your body, it is also expensive and has serious associated risks and complications. So, if going under the knife is something you feel apprehensive about, non-surgical weight loss treatments may offer you a low-risk alternative solution to get rid of those annoying pockets of fat that just won’t budge.

One such weight loss treatment is injection lipolysis, also known as fat-dissolving injections. At Harley Street MD aesthetic clinic in London, our clinicians can expertly administer Aqualyx® weight loss injections to help you achieve the appearance you’ve been striving for. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment is quick and can provide noticeable results within approximately eight weeks. If you’re curious about how effective fat-dissolving injections are, read on to find out more and if you’re a suitable candidate. 

What Are Fat-Dissolving Injections?

Put quite simply, fat-dissolving injections are administered to dissolve stubborn fat in problem areas of the body. However, they are designed to target localised fat deposits and aren’t a substitute for losing weight. Instead, this treatment is intended to complement a healthy lifestyle, so for long-term results, you will need to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise alongside this fat-reduction treatment.

Aqualyx was launched in the UK in 2013 and is one of the leading brands of fat removal injections. We provide this fat reduction treatment because we are confident in its long safety record and we’ve seen our clients experience fantastic results. Unlike surgical fat removal, Aqualyx fat reduction injections require minimal downtime, so you can return to work the same day as receiving treatment.

For the most effective results, Aqualyx can be used to treat the following areas:



Double chin

Buffalo hump (behind the neck). 

Upper Body

Upper arms


Chest fat

Back fat.

Lower Body

Tummy bulges 

Hips (love handles)


Inner and outer thighs


How Do Fat Dissolving Injections Work?

The main component of Aqualyx is deoxycholic acid (DC). This is a secondary bile acid found naturally in the body. When deoxycholic acid is injected into the subcutaneous layer of fat, it disrupts the fat cells and causes them to dissolve permanently. They are then released and drained away by your lymphatic system, which is why we always recommend drinking plenty of water after your treatment and avoiding alcohol. 

Your comfort is always our priority, and we will stop at any time during your treatment. An anaesthetic agent is added to the Aqualyx solution to help relieve any discomfort, and our consultants will also use topical numbing cream on your skin before injection.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for Fat-Dissolving Injections?

If you’ve been wondering, “do fat-dissolving injections work?” the answer depends on your suitability for this type of treatment. Injection lipolysis may be a good fit for you if you’re struggling to achieve your desired weight despite having made healthy lifestyle changes — for example, if you’ve tried changing your diet and are exercising more but are still struggling to get rid of localised pockets of fat.

It’s essential you don’t see fat-dissolving injections as a quick and easy way to lose weight. But if you’re close to your ideal body weight but need an extra push to achieve the look you want, Aqualyx fat reduction injections are an excellent option. 

If you’re over the higher end of your ideal body mass index (BMI), a non-surgical medical weight loss treatment such as Saxenda medical weight loss injections, Orlistat tablets or appetite suppressants may be a better option. These can also provide more impactful results and accentuate the outcome of fat-dissolving injections.

How Soon Do Results Show after Fat-Dissolving Injections?

Fat-dissolving injections are repeated every three to four weeks until your desired look is achieved. During your consultation, you will be advised of how many sessions you will likely require to obtain your desired body shape. Results are not immediate. 

Because your lymphatic system has to drain away the dissolved fat deposits naturally, you can typically expect to see results around eight weeks after your first treatment. Normally at least two treatments are needed to see visible results. But this will also depend on other factors, such as the lifestyle changes you make to complement the procedure.

Are Fat-Dissolving Injections Safe?

Aqualyx fat-dissolving injections have very low associated risks and complications. Approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA),  minimal side effects have been reported globally since the introduction of Aqualyx. Minor side effects that may occur following Aqualyx are temporary skin irritation, mild bruising and swelling around the injection site. These will ease within a few days. 

How Much Fat Can Fat-Dissolving Injections Remove?

We always ensure you have a clear idea of what to expect from your treatment at our aesthetic clinic in London. The amount of fat dissolved by one Aqualyx fat reduction treatment will vary depending on different factors.

Four of the main factors that will affect how much fat is removed are:

1. The area of the face or body treated 

2. How many sessions you have

3. Drinking enough water to help with lymphatic drainage 

4. Your individual physiology and general health

Do Fat-Dissolving Injections Work to Remove Fat Permanently?

Once the fat is dissolved following Aqualyx fat reduction treatment and dispelled by your lymphatic system via your urine, it is permanently removed. However, fat reduction injections will not prevent you from putting weight on. The fat can return if you eat foods high in fat and sugar or do not regularly exercise.


If you’re thinking about fat-dissolving injections, contact us at Harley Street MD, today for a no-obligation consultation. Our trusted medical professionals will create a personalised treatment plan just for you and help you achieve your desired look.

Founder at Harley St M.D.
Dr. Chia Tan is a UK trained medical doctor that specialises in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine and testosterone replacement therapy. He is qualified as a medical doctor since 2003 and has since trained extensively. He has been featured in several leading magazines as well as invited to appear on TV to discuss aesthetic medicine and the latest cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Chia Tan
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